Coaching Services
The Coaching Process
Professional Development and Leadership
- Finding or redefining your calling
- Mastering professional transition phases (job change, job loss)
- Growing into new positions with more responsibility
- Reflecting on and improving leadership behaviors
- Strengthening and further developing (self-)leadership
- Enhancing authenticity as a leader or entrepreneur
- Integrating emotional intelligence into leadership style
- Defining career goals and developing strategies to achieve them
- Building meaningful and trustworthy professional relationships
- Constructively resolving workplace conflicts
- Mastering difficult conversations
- Promoting innovative thinking and creativity in everyday work life
- Aligning personal values with corporate culture
- Strengthening self-confidence in talks and presentations
- Improving decision-making in complex situations
Work-Life Balance and Stress Management
- Improve work-life balance
- Reduce and manage stress
- Strengthen the relationship with your own body
- Cultivate mindfulness and presence in everyday life
- Build and strengthen resilience
- Integrate regenerative practices into daily life
- Set and communicate healthy boundaries
- Optimize energy management
- Improve sleep quality
- Burnout prevention and recovery
- Alleviate stress-related physical symptoms
- Find and optimize work-from-home balance
- Learn and apply emotional regulation techniques
- Practice digital detox and conscious media consumption
- Develop time management strategies for better quality of life
- Harmoniously reconcile and integrate family and vocation
- Recognize toxic relationships and learn to set boundaries
Personal Growth and Self-Realization
- Rediscover forgotten talents and passions
- Unfold creativity and full potential
- Make important life decisions and manage transition phases
- Deepen relationships with oneself and others
- Establish a holistic connection between body, mind, and soul
- Break through old patterns and embark on new paths
- Discover and live life's purpose and personal calling
- Deepen emotional intelligence and apply it in relationships
- Strengthen self-confidence and transform inner critic into an ally
- Clarify personal values and live authentically in everyday life
- Build resilience and tap into inner sources of strength
- Use creative forms of expression as a path to self-knowledge
- Explore and integrate spiritual dimensions of life
- Develop self-care rituals and and resilience
Client's testimonials
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My clients share their journeys of personal growth.
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Beyond Coaching Offerings
Private Art Therapy, Private Breathwork
- Trauma and Inner Parts Work
- Exploring the Origins of Blockages
Private Workshops
- Art Therapy: Arbeit mit dem Inneren Kind
- Holistischer Intuition Workshop
- Breathwork und Bewusstseinserweiterung
Group Retreats
- Women in Leadership Retreat
- New Dates to be announced
- Topics: Assertiveness, Self-Confidence
Reach Out Today
Contact us for coaching and therapy services. We are here to help you achieve your highest potential.
"We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
― Marianne Williamson